EN Hallopeds​

What is a Halloped?

A Halloped is a student representative in the administration whose task is to represent the guild and advocate for the interests of students in important decision-making bodies, such as the faculty council or the degree program planning working group.

The work of student representatives is crucial, as it ensures that students’ perspectives and voices are heard in the development of education and the university.

Check out TREY’s Halloped materials here.

The application for the degree program planning working group is now open! You will find the application form here or via the TARAKI Tiedottaa -telegram channel.

Civil Engineering Hallopeds on BEN Faculty Council on term 2025-2026​

Hallopeds in Civil Engineering Degree Program Planning Group

What is the Faculty Council’s role?

The Faculty Council of the Built Environment consists of 4 student members and their alternates, professors, teachers and other staff members.

The Faculty Council approves the topics, examiners, and language of thesis projects, and decides on the assessment of master’s theses, licentiate theses, and doctoral dissertations based on the proposal of the examiners. Additionally, the Council makes decisions regarding the pre-examination of doctoral dissertations and the supervisors of postgraduate studies. The Faculty Council grants study rights for doctoral programs after hearing the relevant doctoral programs. Furthermore, the Faculty Council makes recommendations to the Rector, such as for filling a vacant professor position, and evaluates teaching samples for university teaching positions. Decision-making in the Council is generally fast-paced, as most decisions (except for evaluating teaching samples) have already been processed in lower decision-making bodies. Influencing decisions in the Faculty Council is important, as especially from the student’s perspective, the greatest opportunity to influence future teaching lies in evaluating teaching samples.

What does the Degree Program Planning Group do?

The Degree Program Planning Working Group, also known as the “OPS planning group,” is a body whose decisions have the most significant impact on the everyday life of an average student. As the name suggests, the group handles matters related to the degree program, such as the number of courses and the content of basic, intermediate, and advanced study modules. The group consists of a few students, a study advisor, a study planner, the program director, and representatives from the teaching staff of each specialization area in the Civil Engineering degree program. Decision-making in the working group is much more informal and discussion-based compared to the Faculty Council. Here, the student voice is very easy to be heard, and students’ opinions are actively sought.

When Can I Contact a Halloped?

Always. You can contact a Halloped with any questions related to university matters. For other questions, Hallopeds will gladly help and direct you to the right parties. You can reach out to the Faculty Council Hallopeds when you have questions regarding, for example, the evaluation of your thesis or the completion of your degree. The Hallopeds in the Degree Program Planning Working Group are best suited to assist you when you have issues related to courses or suggestions for improvement regarding course modules.

You can contact Hallopeds through the guild’s study affairs responsible or by emailing a Halloped directly.