TARAKI – The Guild of Civil Engineering
The Guild of Civil Engineering at Tampere University of Technology, TARAKI in brief, is an association of civil engineering students. The guild arranges different kinds of events and looks after interests of civil engineering students. TARAKI was founded in 1967 and nowadays there are over 500 members.
TARAKI’s most visible and most used service is our guild room, which is located in Rakennustalo, room RH209. The guild room is open on weekdays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, and can be accessed from 6:00 am to 23:00 pm by civil engineering students, with their student cards. Civil engineering students can get their access rights to the guild room from the info in Rakennustalo.
TARAKI’s guild room has a coffee corner, where you can get coffee, tea and hot chocolate for a student friendly price. You can also read Finnish newspapers in our guild room, for example Aamulehti and Urheilulehti.
There’s also an exam archive in our guild room. The archive is partly online, and you can find it at our guild’s Dropbox. There’s also exams in English.
We also sell products such as chocolate, overall badges and some course materials in our guild room’s office. Our guild’s own TARAKI-magazine is published five times a year. Everyone is welcomed to our guild’s booked exercise shifts (www.taraki.fi/?page_id=25).
TARAKI arranges excursions, parties and sauna evenings. Traditionally every year the guild arranges at least annual celebration party in October, Munabileet during Wappu, world championships in Moska (guild’s own card game), Christmas party, and a number of smaller events. During summer time, group of members and TARAKI’s sauna boat participate in Sulkava Rowing Race as a charity project.
Svantte is a symbol of the guild and he lives at the guild room. However, quite often he is having fun with TARAKI members.
TARAKI’s guild’s annual membership fee is €5 and it gives you a membership for a single academic year. The easiest way to pay the membership fee is at the same time with the student union membership fee. You can also pay the fee in our guild room by cash. In exchange for the fee you will be able to take advantage of the services our guild provides, you can take part in events that are meant for our guild members and you’ll be placed on the guild’s e-mail list. Also, our dark blue overalls are included in the price.
Officer of International Affairs: Markus Suuronen, markus.suuronen(at)tuni.fi
The board: taraki@lists.tuni.fi
Address: Korkeakoulunkatu 5, 33720 Tampere
Guild room: RH209