Civil engineering studies

The Master’s Programme in Civil Engineering consists of Bachelor and Master studies. During the second year of Bachelor’s programme must one choose from two options of intermediate studies:

  • Construction Engineering
  • Municipal Engineering.

After completing the Bachelor’s degree, the Master’s programme has four fields of specialization to major in depending on the choice you’ve made during the BSc studies:

  • Structural engineering or construction management (if you chose building construction)
  • Infrastructures or traffic and transportation systems (if you chose municipal engineering).

You can find more info of the studies in the Student’s Guide

All the major study fields have their own profession subject clubs (ammattiainekerho or aa-kerho in Finnish):

Structural Engineering (Nurjahdus)
Construction Management (TRATTA)
Infrastructures (Seula)
Traffic- and transportation systems (Liittymä).

You can find more information on the orientation options and advanced study modules in the Student’s Guide.


Study Counsellor and Study Specialist

Study Specialist Tiina Sainio (tiina.sainio(at), +358503043148)

Study Counsellor is yet to be selected.

All the council meetings are held on Teams. If you happen to have questions about Sisu, your studies or personal curriculum, you can reach the Study Counsellor in these ways:

  • E-mailing rak.opiskelu.tau(at)
  • Reserving an appointment on Bookings. (Bookings-calendar found here.)